Prof. Dr. Thirumalaisamy P. Velavan.

Prof. Dr. Thirumalaisamy P. Velavan

    Date of Birth: 15 May 1980
    Nationality: German
    Private Address: Barbarastr. 16, 72119 Ammerbuch, Germany

    Designation Professor, Group Leader and Faculty Institute of Tropical Medicine, University of Tübingen, Germany.

    Tel: +49-7071-2985981; Fax: +49-7071-294684

Professional Career

    03/2022 Civil Servant for life for the state Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Academic Senior Councilor (Akademischer Oberrat) in Research.

    03/2019 Professor (außerplanmäßiger) an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany.

    06/2016 Habilitated as ‘Privatdozent’ (D.Sc.) Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tübingen, Human Parasitology; venia legendi.

    Since 01/2015 Director at „Vietnamese-German Centre for Medical Research “ Hanoi, Vietnam

    Since 05/2011 Group Leader ‘Molecular Genetics of Infectious Diseases’ Institute of Tropical Medicine, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Germany.

    10/2010 – 04/2011 Junior Research group (fortüne grant) Institute of Tropical Medicine, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen.

    10/2008 – 09/2010 Postdoctoral Researcher Institute of Tropical Medicine, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen.

    08/2008 – 09/2008 Postdoctoral Researcher Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen.

    07/2005 – 07/2008 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, DFG Grant (2006-2008), Faculty of Biology, Universität Tübingen, Germany.

    07/2004 – 06/2005 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, DFG Grant (2004-2005) Faculty of Biology – Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

    10/2002 – 05/2004 Junior Research fellow Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology- Indien.


    03/2015 Certified and Qualified for Teaching in Medicine; Medizindidaktische Qualifikation I, Kompetenzzentrum für Hochschuldidaktik in Medizin Baden, Württemberg, Germany.

    04/2009 Dr. rer. nat (Biologie), Universität Tübingen, Germany 08/2006 Statistical Genetics, University of California Los Angeles, USA.

    06/2002 Master of Science Microbiology, Bhopal University India 04/2000 Bachelor of Science Immunology, MK University India.

Awards/Prize/International assignments

    ▪ Prize for Tropical Medicine 2021 – German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health (DTG), Germany.

    ▪ Young Scientist Award ‘2013’ – Biosciences (Infectious diseases)- conferred by the National Academy of Biological Sciences, India.

    ▪ Scientific advisory and Reviewer Board: International Clinical Partnerships for German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ).

    ▪ Scientific advisory and Reviewer Board for UNESCO-The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).

    ▪ Reviewer Board, National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), Vietnam.

    ▪ Executive Board, Interfaculty Graduate School of Infection Biology and Microbiology (IGIM), Tübingen, Germany.

    ▪ Selection panel Sequencing grants: German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), Germany.

    ▪ Editorial board and Associate editor: Nature Scientific reports; Tropical Medicine and International Health; BMC Medical Genomics; Frontiers in Tropical Medicine; Pathogens.

    ▪ Honorary Professor, 108 Institute of Clinical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam (since 01/2018).

    ▪ Visiting Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam (since 09/2017).

    ▪ Visiting Professor, Vietnam Military Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam (since 03/2016).

    ▪ Scientific Coordinator (President du Conseil Scientifique) Fondation Congolaise pour la Recherche Médicale, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo (04/2014).

    ▪ Steering committee member for Central African Clinical Research Network (CANTAM)
    ▪ METASUB International Consortium.

    ▪ Deutsche COVID-19 OMICS Initiative (DECOI) Consortium.

    ▪ Host-Directed Therapies Network consortium.

    ▪ Pan-African Network for Rapid Research, Response, Relief and Preparedness for Infectious Diseases Epidemics (PANDORA) Consortium.


    ▪ European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID- ID: 134254)

    ▪ International Complement Society (ICS).

    ▪ Fellow of the National Academy of Biological Sciences (FNABS).

    ▪ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Internationale Gesundheit (DTG)

    ▪ European association for the study of the liver (EASL-ID-43998).

    ▪ Deutsche Leberstiftung (German Liver Foundation).

    ▪ Hepatitis Delta International Network (HDIN).

Extramural funds (BMBF/EU-EDCTP/EU-H2020/DAAD/DFG/UKT-fortune)

  • EU- Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance- “HARISSA”: One HeAlth InteRventIon and TransmiSSion in AMR (ID:JPIAMR2021-195) – Principal investigator -Interventions to decrease CRE colonization and transmission between hospitals, households, communities, and domesticated animals (I-CRECT) – Jan 2022 to Dec 2024 – 300.000 Euros.
  • German Academic Exchange Service DAAD: P32/cg – Principal investigator; Coordinator – SARS-CoV-2 Genome sequencing in Vietnam – Aug 2021 to Dec 2021 – 41.421 Euros.
  • German Academic Exchange Service DAAD: 57592343 – Principal investigator; Coordinator – PAN ASEAN Coalition for Epidemic and outbreak Preparedness (PACE-UP) – May 2021 to Dec 2025 – 3.131.511 Euros.
  • The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership; EU-EDCTP: CSA2020NoE-3100 – Principal investigator; European Coordinator – Central African Network on TB, AIDS and Malaria (CANTAM-3) – Jun 2021 to May 2024 – 400.000 Euros.
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research; BMBF: 01KI2052 – Principal investigator; Coordinator – Hydroxy chloroquine for mild and moderate COVID19 patients (CoVHCQ) – Apr 2020 to Sep 2021 – 1.139.000 Euros.
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research; BMBF:01DP17047 – Principal investigator; Coordinator – Vietnamese-German
    Centre for Excellence in Clinical Trials (VG-EXCEL) – 1.034.464 Euros.

Winter semester (WS) and summer semester (SS): from 2009 –to-date

    S01VMMOLMED04 – Advanced Infectiology, 2 SWS – Lehrveranstaltung.

    S05STRO04 – Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten – Seminar.

    S05STRO02 – Infektiologisches Literaturseminar – Seminar.

    S01PMMOLMED03 – Laboratory Rotation Infectiology – Praktikum.

    S00STRO11 – Methodenseminar für Doktoranden, Bachelor und Masterstudierende – Seminar.

    S05STRO07 – Modul Parasitologie III: Aktuelle Forschung parasitärer Tropenkrankheiten (Teil 1 des Master Kurses Parasitologie) – Kurs.

    S05KTRO02 – Modul Parasitologie IV: Labor-Kurs – Humanparasitologie am Institut für Tropenmedizin Tübingen (Teil 2 des Master Kurses Parasitologie) – Übung.

    S00PTRO01 – Praktikum Parasitologie – Praktikum.

    S00PTRO03 – Projektmodul Parasitologie für Bachelorstudenten – Blockveranstaltung.

    S00STRO10 – Projektmodul Parasitologie für Masterstudenten – Übung.

    S00VTRO06W2 – W3 Parasitologie II: Epidemiologie, Ökologie und Immunologie bei Parasitosen (3056) – Blockveranstaltung.

    S00VTRO06W4 – W4 Parasitologie II: Epidemiologie, Ökologie und Immunologie bei Parasitosen (3056) – Blockveranstaltung.

Book Chapter and Edition

    Springer Series: Encyclopaedia of Malaria ISBN: 978-1-4614-8326-7.

    Section Editor: Velavan TP and Meyer CG; Section: Innate resistance.

Supervision of Bachelor and Master Thesis:

    Bachelor Thesis: 19 Students.

    Master Thesis: 14 Students.

PhDs completed as Primary Supervisor at Universität Tübingen

    1. November 2019; David Nderu: ‘Plasmodium falciparum genetic diversity and malaria diagnosis in Kenyan population’
    2. November 2019; Mai Thanh Binh: ‘Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis delta Virus and host genetic factors in the progression of HBV related liver diseases in patients with HBV and HDV coinfections’.
    3. December 2017; Dr. Nghiem Xuan Hoan: ‘Hepatitis E virus superinfection and human SOCS3 and ISG15 in hepatitis B-related liver diseases´.
    4. July 2017; Dr. Selorme Adukpo: ‘Distribution of Knop blood group antigens and association of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 (TREM-1) gene variants in Ghanaian children with malaria’
    5. December 2016; Dr. Christian Nguetse: ‘Host and parasite factors influencing clinical malaria in African children’
    6. December 2015; Dr. Justin S Antony: ‘Investigation of complement lectin proteins in urinary schistosomiasis and visceral leishmaniasis’
    7. December 2015; Dr. Patrick Marcinek: ‘Natural Killer cell transcriptome in patients treated with multi-drug therapy and host genetic factors influencing leprosy outcome’
    8. December 2013; Dr. Félix Koukouikila-Koussounda: ‘Investigation of parasite and host factors in Congolese children with asymptomatic and uncomplicated malaria’
    9. October 2013; Dr. Tong Van Hoang: ‘Functional roles of host genetic polymorphism in Hepatitis B Virus Infection and clinical outcomes’
    10. May 2012: Dr. Eman Abou Ouf: ‘Distribution of functional ficolin2 variants in world populations and their association to schistosomiasis’.

PhDs completed as co-Supervisor at Universität Tübingen

    1. December 2019; Dr. The Trong Nguyen: ‘Development and implementation oif molecular methods to type P. falciparum uncomplicated malaria and severe malarial anemia.
    2. December 2019; Thi Mai Ly Nguyen: Evaluation and targeting of interleukin 6 in cholangiocarcinoma.
    3. December 2018; Dr. Khac Cuong Bui: ‘Targeting adiponectin signaling pathway as a new anticancer treatment for cholangiocarcinoma’.
    4. August 2017; Dr. Kehinde Akinsinde: ‘Molecular epidemiology of clinical and environmental isolates of Vibrio cholerae from cholera outbreak in Nigeria’
    5. June 2014; Dr. Xiangsheng Huang: ‘Immune modulators with parasite infections’
    6. February 2013; Dr. Paola R Luz: ‘Functional role of the MBL complement system in Chagas disease’
    7. September 2013; Dr. Isabela Goeldner: ‘Functional role of the MBL complement system in Rheumatoid Arthritis´.


2022 Publications – 08 IF 28.86

    1. Mfoutou Mapanguy CC, Batchi-Bouyou AL, Djontu JC, Pallerla SR, Ngoma CH, Linh LTK, Rachakonda S, Casadei N, AngeloV A, Sonnabend M, Vouvoungui JC, Ampa R, Nguimbi E, Peter S, Kremsner PG, Montaldo C, Velavan TP*, Ntoumi F. SARS-CoV-2 B.1.214.1, B.1.214.2 and B.1.620 are predominant lineages between December 2020 and July 2021 in the Republic of Congo. Int J Infect Dis Regions. 10 March 2022

    2. Hoan NX, Pallerla SR, Huy PX, Krämer H, My NT, Tung TT, Hoan PQ, Toan NL, Song LH, Velavan TP*. SARS-CoV-2 viral dynamics of the first 1000 sequences from Vietnam and neighbouring ASEAN countries. Int J Infect Dis Regions. 2022 March 4:175-179.

    3. Huyen PTM, Dung DTN, Weiß PJ, Hoan PQ, Giang DP, Uyen NT, Van Tuan N, Trung NT, Velavan TP, Song LH, Hoan NX. Circulating levels of sPD-1 and PD-1 genetic variants are associated with hepatitis B infection and related liver disease progression. Int J Infect Dis. 2022 Feb;115:229-236. PMID: 34910956. IF: 3.623

    4. Hildebrand D, Nurjadi D, Hoan NX, Linh MTH, Sang VV, Bang MH, Pallerla SR, Kremsner PG, Heeg K, Song LH, Velavan TP*. Soluble Notch ligand DLL1 is associated with bleeding complication in patients with dengue fever infection. J Infect Dis. 2022 Feb 1;225(3):476-480. PMID: 34375432. IF:5.226

    5. Xuan Hoan N, Thi Minh Huyen P, Dinh Tung B, Phuong Giang D, Tat Trung N, Tien Sy B, Thi Tuan N, Thi Ngoc Dung D, Reddy Pallerla S, Velavan TP, Hong Bang M, Huu Song L. Associations of PD-L1 gene polymorphisms and circulating sPD-L1 levels with HBV infection susceptibility and related liver disease progression. Gene. 2022 Jan 5;806:145935. PMID: 34478821. IF:3.688

    6. Petersen E, Ntoumi F, Hui DS, Abubakar A, Kramer LD, Obiero C, Tambyah PA, Blumberg L, Yapi R, Al-Abri S, Pinto TCA, Yeboah-Manu D, Haider N, Asogun D, Velavan TP, Kapata N, Bates M, Ansumana R, Montaldo C, Mucheleng’anga L, Tembo J, Mwaba P, Himwaze CM, Hamid MMA, Mfinanga S, Mboera L, Raj T, Aklillu E, Veas F, Edwards S, Kaleebu P, McHugh TD, Chakaya J, Nyirenda T, Bockarie M, Nyasulu PS, Wejse C, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Azhar EI, Maeurer M, Nachega JB, Kock R, Ippolito G, Zumla A. Emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern Omicron (B.1.1.529) – highlights Africa’s research capabilities, but exposes major knowledge gaps, inequities of vaccine distribution, inadequacies in global COVID-19 response and control efforts. Int J Infect Dis. 2022 Jan;114:268-272. PMID: 34863925. IF: 3.623

    7. Manouana GP, Maloum MN, Bikangui R, Oye Bingono SO, Ondo GN, Honkpehedji JY, Rossatanga EG, Assoumou SZ, Pallerla SR, Rachakonda S, Ndong RM, Lekana-Douki JB, Siawaya JD, Borrmann S, Kremsner PG, Lell B, Velavan TP, Adegnika AA. Emergence of B.1.1.318 SARS-CoV 2 viral lineage and high incidence of alpha B.1.1.7 variant of concern in Republic of Gabon. Int J Infect Dis. 2022 Jan;114:151-154. PMID: 34742926. IF: 3.623

    8. Walker A, Houwaart T, Finzer P, Ehlkes L, Tyshaieva A, Damagnez M, Strelow D, Duplessis A, Nicolai J, Wienemann T, Tamayo T, Kohns Vasconcelos M, Hülse L, Hoffmann K, Lübke N, Hauka S, Andree M, Däumer MP, Thielen A, Kolbe-Busch S, Göbels K, Zotz R, Pfeffer K, Timm J, Dilthey AT; German COVID-19 OMICS Initiative (DeCOI). Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 infection clusters based on integrated genomic surveillance, outbreak analysis and contact tracing in an urban setting. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Jun 28;ciab588. PMID: 34181711. IF:9.079

2021 Publications – 23 IF 136.36

    9. Trung NT, Lien TT, Sang VV, Hoan NX, Manh ND, Thau NS, Quyen DT, Hien TTT, Hoan PQ, Bang MH, Velavan TP, Song LH. Circulating miR-147b as a diagnostic marker for patients with bacterial sepsis and septic shock. PLoS One. 2021 Dec 16;16(12):e0261228. PMID: 34914790. IF:3.240

    10. Ikegbunam M, Ojo JA, Kokou K, Morikwe U, Nworu C, Uba C, Esimone C, Velavan TP, Ojurongbe O. Absence of Plasmodium falciparum artemisinin resistance gene mutations eleven years after the adoption of artemisinin-based combination therapy in Nigeria. Malar J. 2021 Nov 10;20(1):434. PMID: 34758836. IF:2.979

    11. Krämer B, Knoll R, Bonaguro L, ToVinh M, Raabe J, Astaburuaga-García R, Schulte-Schrepping J, Kaiser KM, Rieke GJ, Bischoff J, Monin MB, Hoffmeister C, Schlabe S, De Domenico E, Reusch N, Händler K, Reynolds G, Blüthgen N, Hack G, Finnemann C, Nischalke HD, Strassburg CP, Stephenson E, Su Y, Gardner L, Yuan D, Chen D, Goldman J, Rosenstiel P, Schmidt SV, Latz E, Hrusovsky K, Ball AJ, Johnson JM, Koenig PA, Schmidt FI, Haniffa M, Heath JR, Kümmerer BM, Keitel V, Jensen B, Stubbemann P, Kurth F, Sander LE, Sawitzki B; Deutsche COVID-19 OMICS Initiative (DeCOI), Aschenbrenner AC, Schultze JL, Nattermann J. Early IFN-α signatures and persistent dysfunction are distinguishing features of NK cells in severe COVID-19. Immunity. 2021 Nov 9;54(11):2650-2669.e14. PMID: 34592166. IF:31.745

    12. Manouana GP, Niendorf S, Tomazatos A, Mbong Ngwese M, Nzamba Maloum M, Nguema Moure PA, Bingoulou Matsougou G, Ategbo S, Rossatanga EG, Bock CT, Borrmann S, Mordmüller B, Eibach D, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*, Adegnika AA. Molecular surveillance and genetic divergence of Rotavirus A antigenic epitopes in Gabonese children with acute gastroenteritis. EBioMedicine. 2021 Nov;73:103648. PMID: 34706308. IF:8.143

    13. Huy PX, Chung DT, Linh DT, Hang NT, Rachakonda S, Pallerla SR, Linh LTK, Tong HV, Dung LM, Mao CV, Wedemeyer H, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Song LH, Sy BT, Toan NL, Velavan TP*. Low prevalence of HEV infection and no associated risk of HEV transmission from mother to child among pregnant women in Vietnam. Pathogens 2021, Oct 17; 10(10):1340. PMID: 34684289. IF:3.492.

    14. Velavan TP*, Pallerla SR, Rüter J, Augustin Y, Kremsner PG, Krishna S, Meyer CG. Host genetic factors determining COVID-19 susceptibility and severity. EBioMedicine. 2021 Oct;72:103629. PMID: 34655949. IF:8.143

    15. Velavan TP*, Pallerla SR, Kremsner PG. How to ab(use) a COVID-19 antigen rapid test with soft drinks? Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Oct;111:28-30. PMID: 34418566 IF: 3.623

    16. Son TV, Manh ND, Trung NT, Quyen DT, Meyer CG, Phuong NTK, Hoan PQ, Sang VV, Nurjadi D, Velavan TP, Bang MH, Song LH. Molecular detection of bla CTX-M gene to predict phenotypic cephalosporin resistance and clinical outcome of Escherichia coli bloodstream infections in Vietnam. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2021 Sep 4;20(1):60. PMID: 34481499. IF: 3.944.

    17. Kremsner PG, Mann P, Kroidl A, Leroux-Roels I, Schindler C, Gabor JJ, Schunk M, Leroux-Roels G, Bosch JJ, Fendel R, Kreidenweiss A, Velavan TP, Fotin-Mleczek M, Mueller SO, Quintini G, Schönborn-Kellenberger O, Vahrenhorst D, Verstraeten T, Alves de Mesquita M, Walz L, Wolz OO, Oostvogels L; CV-NCOV-001 Study Group. Safety and immunogenicity of an mRNA-lipid nanoparticle vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2 : A phase 1 randomized clinical trial. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2021 Sep;133(17-18):931-941. PMID: 34378087. IF:1.704.

    18. Boutin S, Hildebrand D, Boulant S, Kreuter M, Rüter J, Pallerla SR, Velavan TP, Nurjadi D. Host factors facilitating SARS‐CoV‐2 virus infection and replication in the lungs. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021 Aug;78(16):5953-5976. PMID: 34223911. IF:9.261

    19. Lobaloba Ingoba L, Adedoja A, Peko SM, Vairo F, Haider N, Kock R, Ippolito G, Zumla A, Nguimbi E, Pallerla SR, Velavan TP, Ntoumi F. Diagnosis of Chikungunya virus in febrile patients from a malaria holoendemic area. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Aug;109:247-252. PMID: 34174430. IF: 3.623

    20. Ojo JA, Adedokun SA, Akindele AA, Olorunfemi AB, Otutu OA, Ojurongbe TA, Thomas BN, Velavan TP, Ojurongbe O. Prevalence of urogenital and intestinal schistosomiasis among school children in South-west Nigeria. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2021 Jul 27;15(7):e0009628. PMID: 34314428. IF:4.411

    21. Velavan TP*, Kuk S, Linh LTK, Lamsfus Calle C, Lalremruata A, Pallerla SR, Kreidenweiss A, Held J, Esen M, Gabor J, Neurohr EM, Shamsrizi P, Fathi A, Biecker E, Berg CP, Ramharter M, Addo MM, Kreuels B, Kremsner PG. Longitudinal monitoring of laboratory markers characterizes hospitalized and ambulatory COVID-19 patients. Sci Rep. 2021 Jul 14;11(1):14471. PMID: 34262116. IF:4.379.

    22. Velavan TP*, Pallerla SR, Johne R, Todt D, Steinmann E, Schemmerer M, Wenzel JJ, Hofmann J, Shih JWK, Wedemeyer H, Bock CT. Hepatitis E: An update on One Health and clinical medicine Liver Int. 2021 Jul;41(7):1462-1473. PMID: 33960603. IF:5.828

    23. Danko D, Bezdan D, Afshin EE, Ahsanuddin S, Bhattacharya C, Butler DJ, Chng KR, Donnellan D, ….., Semmler T, Sezerman OU, Shi L, Shi T, Siam R, Song LH, Suzuki H, Court DS, Tighe SW, Tong X, Udekwu KI, Ugalde JA, Valentine B, Vassilev DI, Vayndorf EM, Velavan TP, Wu J, Zambrano MM, Zhu J, Zhu S, Mason CE; International MetaSUB Consortium. The International MetaSUB Consortium. A global metagenomic map of urban microbiomes and antimicrobial resistance. Cell. 2021 Jun 24;184(13):3376-3393.e17. PMID: 34043940. IF: 41.582.

    24. Pernaute-Lau L, Adegnika AA, Zhou Y, Zinsou JF, Gil JP, Krishna S, Kremsner PG, Lauschke VM, Velavan TP*. Pharmacogene sequencing of a Gabonese population with severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria reveals multiple novel variants with putative relevance for antimalarial treatment. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2021 Jun 17;65(7):e0027521. PMID: 33875422. IF: 5.191.

    25. Warnat-Herresthal S, Schultze H, Shastry KL, Manamohan S, Mukherjee S, Garg V, Sarveswara R, Händler K, Pickkers P, Aziz NA, Ktena S, Tran F, Bitzer M, Ossowski S, Casadei N, Herr C, Petersheim D, Behrends U, Kern F, Fehlmann T, Schommers P, Lehmann C, Augustin M, Rybniker J, Altmüller J, Mishra N, Bernardes JP, Krämer B, Bonaguro L, Schulte-Schrepping J, De Domenico E, Siever C, Kraut M, Desai M, Monnet B, Saridaki M, Siegel CM, Drews A, Nuesch Germano M, Theis H, Heyckendorf J, Schreiber S, Kim-Hellmuth S; COVID-19 Aachen Study (COVAS), Nattermann J, Skowasch D, Kurth I, Keller A, Bals R, Nürnberg P, Rieß O, Rosenstiel P, Netea MG, Theis F, Mukherjee S, Backes M, Aschenbrenner AC, Ulas T; Deutsche COVID-19 Omics Initiative (DeCOI), Breteler MMB, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Kox M, Becker M, Cheran S, Woodacre MS, Goh EL, Schultze JL. Swarm Learning for decentralized and confidential clinical machine learning. Nature. 2021 Jun;594(7862):265-270. PMID: 34040261. IF:49.962

    26. Viet NT, Du VV, Thuan ND, Tong HV, Toan NL, Mao CV, Tuan NV, Pallerla SR, Nurjadi D, Velavan TP*, Son HA. Maternal vaginal colonization and Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing bacteria in Vietnamese pregnant women. Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 May 13;10(5):572. PMID: 34067975. IF:4.639

    27. Gabor JJ, Kreidenweiss A, Weber S, Salama M, Sulyok M, Sulyok Z, Koehne E, Esen M, Kreuels B, Shamsrizi P, Biecker E, Mordmüller B, Berg CP, Fusco S, Köhler C, Kubicka S, Leitlein J, Addo M, Ramharter M, Schwab M, Bissinger AL, Velavan TP, Krishna S, Kremsner PG. A call to caution when hydroxychloroquine is given to elderly COVID-19 patients. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 May;106:265-268. PMID: 33848675. IF: 3.623

    28. Velavan TP*, Meyer CG, Esen M, Kremsner PG, Ntoumi F. COVID-19 and syndemic challenges in ‘Battling the Big Three’: HIV, TB and malaria. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 May;106:29-32. PMID: 33781904. IF: 3.623

    29. Ramharter M, Agnandji ST, Adegnika AA, Lell B, Mombo-Ngoma G, Grobusch MP, McCall M, Muranaka R, Kreidenweiss A, Velavan TP, Esen M, Schaumburg F, Alabi A, Druml C, Mordmüller B, Köhler C, Kremsner PG. Development of sustainable research excellence with a global perspective on infectious diseases: Centre de Recherches Médicales de Lambaréné (CERMEL), Gabon. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2021 May;133(9-10):500-508. PMID: 33398458. IF:1.704.

    30. Nguyen MLT, Bui KC, Scholta T, Xing J, Bhuria V, Sipos B, Wilkens L, Toan NL, Velavan TP, Bozko P, Plentz RR. Targeting IL-6 signaling by monoclonal antibody siltuximab attenuates cholangiocarcinoma growth. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 May;36(5):1334-1345. PMID: 33091158. IF:4.029

    31. Hoan NX, Huyen PTM, Binh MT, Trung NT, Giang DP, Linh BT, Dung DTN, Pallerla SR, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP, Bang MH, Song LH. Genetic variants of programmed cell death 1 are associated with HBV infection and liver disease progression. Sci Rep. 2021 Apr 8;11(1):7772. PMID: 33833369 IF:4.379.

    32. Ntoumi F, Mapanguy CCM, Tomazatos A, Pallerla SR, Linh LTK, Casadei N, Angelov A, Sonnabend M, Peter S, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in the Republic of Congo. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Apr;105:735-738. PMID: 33737129. IF: 3.623

    33. Manouana GP, Nguema-Moure PA, Ngwese MM, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Borrmann S, Eibach D, Mordmüller B,. Velavan TP, Niendorf S, Adegnika AA. Genetic diversity of enteric viruses in children under five years old in Gabon. Viruses. 2021 Mar 24;13(4):545. PMID: 33805214. IF:5.048.

    34. Song LH, Hoan NX, Bang MH, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Viral and serological testing of SARS CoV-2 among health care workers and patients in Vietnam. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2021 Mar;8:100113. PMID: 33681829.

    35. Pallerla SR, Elion Assiana DO, Linh LTK, Nchang Cho F, Meyer CG, Fagbemi KA, Adegnika AA, Penlap VB, Achidi EA, Mesia Kahunu G, Bates M, Grobusch MP, Kremsner PG, Ntoumi F, Velavan TP*. Pharmacogenetic considerations in the treatment of co-infections with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Congolese populations of Central Africa. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Mar;104:207-213. PMID: 33310105. IF: 3.623

    36. Ntoumi F and Velavan TP. COVID-19 in Africa: between hope and reality. Lancet Infect Dis. 2021 Mar;21(3):315. PMID: 32553188. IF: 25.071

    37. Hoan NX, Hoechel M, Tomazatos A, Xuan Anh C, Pallerla SR, Linh LTK, Binh MT, Sy BT, Toan NL, Wedemeyer H, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Meyer CG, Song LH, Velavan TP*. Predominance of HBV genotype B and HDV genotype 1 in Vietnamese patients with chronic hepatitis. Viruses. 2021 Feb 22;13(2):346. PMID: 33671832. IF:5.048

    38. Boldt ABW, Oliveira-Toré CF, Kretzscmar GC, Weinschutz Mendes H, Stinghen ST, Andrade FA, Bumiller-Bini V, Gonçalves LB, Braga ACM, Stahlke EVRS, Velavan TP, Thiel S, de Messias Reason IJT. Hepatitis B virus infection among leprosy patients: a case for polymorphisms compromising activation of the lectin pathway and complement receptors. Front Immunol. 2021 Feb 11;11:574457. PMID: 33643280. IF: 7.561

    39. Velavan TP* and Meyer CG. COVID-19: A PCR-defined pandemic. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Feb;103:278-279. PMID: 33271291. IF: 3.623

    40. Mapanguy C, Mfoutou Mapanguy CC, Adedoja A, Vittickat Kecka LG, Vouvoungui JC, Nguimbi E, Velavan TP, Ntoumi F. High prevalence of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in Congolese students. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Feb;103:119-123. PMID: 33002618. IF: 3.623

    41. Velavan TP*, Kieu Linh LT, Kreidenweiss A, Gabor J, Krishna S, Kremsner PG. Longitudinal monitoring of lactate in hospitalized and ambulatory COVID-19 patients. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2021 Jan 11;104(3):1041-4. PMID: 33432902. IF:2.345

    42. Andrade FA, Eibofner IG, Pieczarka C, Tong HV, Sena L, Skare T, Utiyama SR, Messias-Reason IJ, Velavan TP* Impact of VSIG4 gene polymorphisms on susceptibility and functional status of reumatoid arthrithis. Int J Immunogenet 2021 Jun;48(3):260-265. PMID: 33645007. IF:1.466

    43. Velavan TP* and Meyer CG. Reply to: Asymptomatic infection by SARS 2 coronavirus: invisible but invincible. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Jan;102:85-86. PMID: 33080400. IF: 3.623

    44. Pallerla SR, Schembecker S, Meyer CG, Linh LTK, Johne R, Wedemeyer H, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Hepatitis E virus genome detection in commercial pork liver and pork meat products in Germany. J Viral Hepat. 2021 Jan;28(1):196-204. PMID: 32869414. IF:3.728

2020 Publications – 23 IF 136.36

    45. Van Long B, Allen G, Brauny M, Linh LTK, Pallerla SR, Huyen TTT, Van Tong H, Toan NL, Quyet D, Son HA, Velavan TP*. Molecular surveillance and temporal monitoring of malaria parasites in focal Vietnamese provinces. Malar J. 2020 Dec 31;19(1):458. PMID: 33384023. IF: 2.631.

    46. Compri M, Mader R, Mazzolini E, de Angelis G, Mutters NT, Babu Rajendran N, Galia L, Tacconelli E, Schrijver R; ARCH working group. White Paper: Bridging the gap between surveillance data and antimicrobial stewardship in the animal sector-practical guidance from the JPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net networks. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2020 Dec 6;75(Supplement_2):ii52-ii66. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkaa429. PMID: 33280048. IF:5.439

    47. Sibani M, Mazzaferri F, Carrara E, Pezzani MD, Arieti F, Göpel S, Paul M, Tacconelli E, Mutters NT, Voss A; ARCH working group. White Paper: Bridging the gap between surveillance data and antimicrobial stewardship in long-term care facilities-practical guidance from the JPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net networks. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2020 Dec 6;75(Supplement_2):ii33-ii41. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkaa427. PMID: 33280047. IF:5.439

    48. Pezzani MD, Carrara E, Sibani M, Presterl E, Gastmeier P, Renk H, Kanj SS, Velavan TP, Song LH, Leibovici L, Torumkuney D, Kostyanev T, Mendelson M, Tacconelli E; ARCH working group. White Paper: Bridging the gap between human and animal surveillance data, antibiotic policy and stewardship in the hospital sector-practical guidance from the JPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE MAGNET EPI-Net networks. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2020 Dec 6;75(Supplement_2):ii20-ii32. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkaa426. PMID: 33280046. IF:5.439

    49. Arieti F, Göpel S, Sibani M, Carrara E, Pezzani MD, Murri R, Mutters NT, Lòpez-Cerero L, Voss A, Cauda R, Tacconelli E; ARCH working group. White Paper: Bridging the gap between surveillance data and antimicrobial stewardship in the outpatient sector-practical guidance from the JPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net networks. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2020 Dec 6;75(Supplement_2):ii42-ii51. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkaa428. PMID: 33280045. IF:5.439

    50. Pallerla SR, Harms D, Johne R, Todt D, Steinmann E, Schemmerer M, Wenzel JJ, Hofmann J, Shih JWK, Wedemeyer H, Bock CT, Velavan TP*. Hepatitis E Virus Infection: Circulation, Molecular Epidemiology and Impact on Global Health. Pathogens. 2020 Oct 20;9(10):E856. IF:3.018. PMID: 33092306.

    51. Giang NT, van Tong H, Quyet D, Hoan NX, Nghia TH, Nam NM, Hung HV, Anh DT, Van Mao C, Son HA, Meyer CG, Velavan TP, Toan NL. Complement protein levels and MBL2 polymorphisms are associated with dengue and disease severity. Sci Rep. 2020 Sep 10;10(1):14923. PMID: 32913345. IF: 3.998

    52. Lytton SD, Nematollahi G, van Tong H, Xuan Anh C, Hung HV, Hoan NX, Diez G, Schumacher T, Landt O, Melchior W, Fuchs D, Toan NL, Velavan TP, Song LH. Predominant secondary dengue infection among Vietnamese adults mostly without warning signs and severe disease. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Nov;100:316-323. PMID: 32896661. IF: 3.202

    53. Nikolai LA, Meyer CG, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Asymptomatic SARS Coronavirus 2 infection: Invisible yet invincible. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Nov;100:112-116. PMID: 32891737 IF: 3.202

    54. Elton L, Thomason MJ, Tembo J, Velavan TP, Pallerla SR, Arruda LA, Vairo F, Montaldo C, Ntoumi F, Abdel Hamid MA, Haider N, Kock R, Ippolito G, Zumla A, McHugh TD. Antimicrobial Resistance Preparedness in Sub-Saharan African Countries. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 2020 Aug 28;9(1):145. PMID: 32859252. IF: 3.594

    55. Fagbemi KA, Adebusuy SA, Nderu D, Adedokun SA, Pallerla SR, Amoo AOJ, Thomas BN, Velavan TP*, Ojurongbe O. Analysis of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance-associated mutations in Plasmodium falciparum isolates obtained from asymptomatic pregnant women in Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria. Infect Genet Evol. 2020 Nov;85:104503. PMID: 32805431. IF: 2.773

    56. Velavan TP*, Pollard AJ, Kremsner PG. Herd immunity and vaccination of children for COVID 19. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Sep;98:14-15. PMID: 32585285. IF: 3.202

    57. Chng KR, Li C, Bertrand D, Ng AHQ, Kwah JS, Low HM, Tong C, Natrajan M, Zhang MH, Xu L, Ko KKK, Ho EXP, Av-Shalom TV, Teo JWP, Khor CC, MetaSUB Consortium, Chen SL, Mason CE, Ng OT, Marimuthu K, Ang B, Nagarajan N Cartography of opportunistic pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in a tertiary hospital environment. Nat Med. 2020 Jun;26(6):941-951. PMID: 32514171. IF:36.130

    58. Auer ED, Tong HV, Amorim LM, Malheiros D, Hoan NX, Issler HC, Petzl-Erler ML, Beltrame MH, Boldt ABW, Toan NL, Song LH, Velavan TP*, Augusto DG. Natural Killer Cell Receptor Variants and Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the Vietnamese Population. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Jul;96:541-547. PMID: 32422377 IF: 3.202

    59. Dossou-Yovo LR, Ntoumi F, Koukouikila-Koussounda F, Vouvoungui JC, Adedoja A, Nderu D, Velavan TP, Lenga A. Molecular surveillance of the Pfmdr1 N86Y allele among Congolese pregnant women with asymptomatic malaria. Malar J. 2020 May 8;19(1):178. PMID: 32384930. IF: 2.631

    60. Velavan TP* and Meyer CG. Mild versus severe COVID-19: laboratory markers. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Jun;95:304-307. PMID: 32344011. IF: 3.202

    61. Nguetse CN, Purington N, Ebel ER, Shakya B, Tetard M, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP, Egan ES. A common polymorphism in the mechanosensitive ion channel PIEZO1 is associated with protection from severe malaria in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Apr 21;117(16):9074-9081. PMID: 32265284 IF: 9.412

    62. Giang NT, Van Tong H, Nghia TH, Hung HV, Tuan Anh D, Nam LV, Mao CV, Giang NT, Thanh LD, Son HA, Velavan TP, Quyet D, Toan NL. Association of FCN2 polymorphisms and ficolin-2 levels with dengue fever in Vietnamese patients. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Jun;95:253-261, PMID: 32088336. IF: 3.202

    63. Binh MT, Hoan NX, Giang DP, Tong HV, Bock CT, Wedemeyer H, Toan NL, Bang MH, Kremsner PG, Meyer CG, Song LH, Velavan TP*. Upregulation of SMYD3 and SMYD3 VNTR 3/3 polymorphism increase the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Sci Rep. 2020 Feb 18;10(1):2797. PMID: 32071406. IF: 3.998.

    64. Velavan TP* and Meyer CG. The COVID-19 Epidemic. Trop Med Int Health. 2020 Mar;25(3):278- 280. PMID: 32052514 IF:2.308

    65. Kock RA, Karesh WB, Veas F, Velavan TP, Simons D, Mboera LEG, Dar O, Arruda LB, Zumla A. Coronavirus from Wuhan (2019_nCoV) in context: Lessons Learned? Lancet Planet Health. 2020 Mar;4(3):e87-e88. PMID: 32035507 IF: 19.173

    66. Tong HV, Hoan NX, Binh MT, Quyen DT, Meyer CG, Hang DTT, Hang DTD, Son HA, Van Luong H, Thuan ND, Giang NT, Quyet D, Bang MH, Song LH, Velavan TP, Toan NL. Upregulation of Enzymes involved in ISGylation and Ubiquitination in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Med Sci. 2020 Jan 20;17(3):347-353. PMID: 32132870. IF: 2.523

    67. Giseler S, Lytton SD, Toan NL, Nghia TH, Nam NM, Hung HV, Son NT, Anh DT, Tuyen HT, Tien TV, Quyet D, Tong HV, Hoan NX, Song LH, Pallerla SR, Gostner JM, Fuchs D, Velavan TP*. Neopterin levels and Kyn/Trp ratios were significantly increased in dengue virus patients and subsequently decreased after recovery. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Feb;91:162-168. PMID: 31821895, IF: 3.202

2019 Publications – 18 IF 71.61

    68. Hoan NX, Khuyen N, Giang DP, Binh MT, Toan NL, Anh DT, Trung NT, Bang MH, Meyer CG, Velavan TP*, Song LH. Vitamin D receptor ApaI polymorphism associated with progression of liver disease in Vietnamese patients chronically infected with Hepatitis B virus. BMC Med Genet. 2019 Dec 21;20(1):201. PMID: 31864292 IF: 1.740.

    69. Adegbite BR, Edoa JR, Honkpehedji YJ, Zinsou FJ, Dejon-Agobe JC, Mbong-Ngwese M, Lotola Mougueni F, Koehne E, Lalremruata A, Kreidenweiss A, Nguyen TT, Kun J, Agnandji ST, Lell B, Safiou AR, Obone Atome FA, Mombo-Ngoma G, Ramharter M, Velavan TP, Mordmüller B, Kremsner PG, Adegnika AA. Monitoring of efficacy, tolerability and safety of artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Lambaréné, Gabon: an open-label clinical trial. Malar J. 2019 Dec 16;18(1):424. PMID: 31842893, IF: 2.798.

    70. Hoan NX, Huy PX, Sy BT, Meyer CG, Son TV, Binh MT, Giang DP, Tu Anh D, Bock CT, Wang B, Tong HV, Kremsner PG, Song LH, Toan NL, Velavan TP*. High HEV positivity among domestic pigs and risk of HEV infection of individuals occupationally exposed to pigs and pork meat in Hanoi, Vietnam. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2019 6(9) ofz306. PMID: 31660396 IF: 3.371

    71. Ikegbunam MN, Nkonganyi CN, Thomas BN, Esimone CO, Velavan TP, Ojurongbe O. Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum Pfcrt and Pfmdr1 genes in parasite isolates from asymptomatic individuals in Southeast Nigeria 11 years after withdrawal of chloroquine. Malar J. 2019 Oct 7; 18(1):343. PMID: 31590670, IF: 2.798

    72. Nguyen TT, Nzigou Mombo B, Lalremruata A, Koehne E, Zoleko Manego R, Dimessa Mbadinga LB, Adegnika AA, Agnandji ST, Lell B, Kremsner PG, VelavanTP, Ramharter M, Mordmüller B, Mombo-Ngoma G. DNA recovery from archived RDTs for genetic characterization of Plasmodium falciparum in a routine setting in Lambaréné, Gabon. Malar J. 2019 Oct 2; 18(1):336. PMID: 31578142 IF: 2.798

    73. Trung NT, Quyen DT, Hoan NX, Giang DP, Trang TTH, Velavan TP, Bang MH, Song LH. Rapid, low cost and sensitive detection of Calreticulin mutations by a PCR based amplicon length differentiation assay for diagnosis of myeloproliferative neoplasms. BMC Med Genet. 2019 Jun 27; 20(1):115. PMID: 31248375. IF: 1.740

    74. Velavan TP*, Nderu D, Agbenyega T, Ntoumi F, Kremsner PG. An alternative dogma on reduced artemisinin susceptibility – a new shadow from East to West. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2019 June 25; 116(26): 12611-12612. PMID: 31239363. IF: 9.580

    75. Funwei R, Nderu D, Nguetse CN, Thomas BN, Falade C, Velavan TP, Ojurongbe O. Molecular surveillance of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 genes deletions in Plasmodium falciparum isolates and the implications for malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Nigeria. Acta Trop. 2019 May 16; 196:121-125. PMID: 31103699. IF: 2.629

    76. Peko SM, Ntoumi F, Vouvoungui C, Nderu D, Kobawila SC, Velavan TP*, Koukouikila-Koussounda F. Distribution of the cytochrome P450 2C8*2 allele in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. Int. J. Infect. Dis. 2019 May 9; 85:49-53. PMID: 31078747 IF: 3.538.

    77. Trung NT, Hai LT, Giang DP, Hoan PQ, Binh MT, Hoan NX, Toan NL, Meyer CG, Velavan TP, Bang MH, Song LH. No expression of HBV-human chimeric fusion transcript (HBx-LINE1) among Vietnamese patients with HBV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma. Ann Hepatol. 2019 Mar – Apr; 18(2):404-405. PMID: 31036498 IF: 1.895.

    78. Gampio Gueye NS, Peko SM, Nderu D, Koukouikila-Koussounda F, Vouvoungui C, Kobawila SC, Velavan TP, Ntoumi F. An update on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in children from Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. Malar J. 2019 Feb 28;18(1):57. PMID: 30819192. IF: 2.798.

    79. Peko SM, Gueye NSG, Vouvoungui C, Koukouikila-Koussounda F, Kobawila SC, Nderu D, Velavan TP, Ntoumi F. Cytochrome P450 CYP2B6*6 distribution among Congolese individuals with HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria infection. Int J Infect Dis. 2019 Feb 25;82:111-116. PMID: 30818046 IF: 3.538.

    80. Nderu D, Kimani F, Karanja E, Thiong’o K, Akinyi M, Too E, Chege W, Nambati E, Wangai LN, Meyer CG, Velavan TP*. Genetic diversity and population structure of P. falciparum in Kenyan Ugandan border areas. Trop Med Int Health. 2019 May;24(5):647-656. PMID: 30816614 IF: 2.423.

    81. Nderu D, Kimani F, Thiong’o K, Karanja E, Akinyi M, Too E, Chege W, Nambati E, Meyer CG, Velavan TP*. Plasmodium falciparum histidine−rich protein (PfHRP2 and 3) diversity in Western and Coastal Kenya. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 8;9(1):1709. PMID: 30737461 IF: 4.011.

    82. Binh MT, Hoan NX, Van Tong H, Sy BT, Trung NT, Bock CT, Toan NL, Song LH, Bang MH, Meyer CG, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. NTCP S267F variant associate with decreased susceptibility to HBV and HDV infection and decelerated progression of related liver diseases. Int J Infect Dis. 2019 Jan 24;80:147-152. PMID: 30685591 IF: 3.538.

    83. Boldt ABW, van Tong H, Grobusch MP, Kalmbach Y, Dzeing Ella A, Kombila M, Meyer CG, Kun JFJ, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. The Blood Transcriptome of Childhood Malaria. EBioMedicine. 2019 Feb;40:614-625. PMID: 30638864 IF:6.680.

    84. Velavan TP*. Epstein-Barr Virus, Malaria and Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma. EBioMedicine. 2019 Jan;39:13-14. PMID: 30584007.IF:6.680.

    85. Schaumburg F, Witten A, Flamen A, Stoll M, Alabi AS, Kremsner PG, Löffler B, Zipfel P, Velavan TP, Peters G. Complement 5a receptor polymorphisms are associated with PVL-positive Staphylococcus aureus colonization in African Pygmies. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Feb 15;68(5):854- 856. PMID: 30192927. IF: 9.055.

2018 Publications – 15 IF 52.52

    86. Van Tong H, Van Ba N, Hoan NX, Binh MT, Quyen DT, Son HA, Van Luong H, Quyet D, Meyer CG, Song LH, Toan NL, Velavan TP*. Soluble fibrinogen-like protein 2 levels in patients with hepatitis B virus-related liver diseases. BMC Infect Dis. 2018 Nov 12;18(1):553. PMID: 30419833. IF 2.620.

    87. Nderu D, Kimani F, Thing’o K, Akinyi M, Karanja E, Meyer CG, Velavan TP*. PfHRP2-PfHRP3 diversity among Kenyan isolates and comparative evaluation of PfHRP2/pLDH malaria RDT with microscopy and nested PCR methodologies. Parasitol Int. 2018 Aug 20;67(6):793-799. PMID: 30138695. IF 2.055.

    88. Kretzschmar GC, Oliveira LC, Nisihara RM, Velavan TP, Stinghen ST, Stahlke ERS, Petzl-Erler ML, Messias-Reason IJT, Boldt ABW. Complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35) association with susceptibility to leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2018 Aug 9;12(8):e0006705 PMID: 30092084. IF: 3.834.

    89. Binh MT, Hoan NX, Van Tong H, Giang DP, Sy BT, Toan NL, Song LH, Bang MH, Wedemeyer H, Meyer CG, Kremsner PG, Bock CT, Velavan TP*. HDV infection rates in Northern Vietnam. Sci Rep. 2018 May 23; 8(1):8047. PMID: 29795302. IF: 4.122.

    90. Van Tong H, Hoan NX, Binh MT, Quyen DT, Meyer CG, Song LH, Toan NL, Velavan TP*. Interferon-stimulated gene 20 kDa protein serum levels and clinical outcome of hepatitis B virus related liver diseases. Oncotarget. 2018 9(45):27858-27871. PMID: 29963243. IF: 5.168.

    91. Tat Trung N, Duong DC, Tong HV, Hien TTT, Hoan PQ, Bang MH, Binh MT, Ky TD, Tung NL, Thinh NT, Sang VV, Thao LTP, Bock CT, Velavan TP, Meyer CG, Song LH, Toan NL. Optimisation of quantitative miRNA panels to consolidate the diagnostic surveillance of HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma. PLoS One. 2018 Apr 19;13(4):e0196081. PMID: 29672637. IF: 2.766.

    92. Hoan NX, Tong HV, Song LH, Meyer CG, Velavan TP*. Vitamin D deficiency and viral hepatitis associated liver diseases: A literature review. World J Gastroenterol 2018, January 28; 24(4): 445- 460. PMID: 29398866. IF: 3.30.

    93. Sy BT, Hoan NX, Tong HV, Meyer CG, Toan NL, Song LH, Bock CT, Velavan TP*. Genetic variants of interferon regulatory factor 5 associated with chronic hepatitis B infection. World J Gastroenterol. 2018 Jan 14;24(2):248-256. PMID: 29375210. IF: 3.30

    94. Bui KC, Barat S, Chen X, Bozko P, Scholta T, Thi Nguyen ML, Bhuria V, Xing J, Toan NL, Song LH, Velavan TP, Sipos B, Wilkens L, Malek NP, Plentz RR. Silencing of Kangai 1 C-terminal interacting tetraspanin suppresses progression of cholangiocarcinoma. Exp Cell Res. 2018 Mar 1;364(1):59-67. PMID:29366806. IF: 3.309.

    95. Nguetse CN, Ojo JA, Nchotebah C, Ikegbunam MN, Meyer CG, Thomas BN, Velavan TP*, Ojurongbe O. Genetic Diversity of the Plasmodium falciparum Glutamate-Rich Protein R2 Region Before and Twelve Years after Introduction of Artemisinin Combination Therapies among Febrile Children in Nigeria. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2018; 98(3), 667-676. PMID: 29363449 IF: 2.564.

    96. Sandri TL, Lidani KCF, Andrade FA, Meyer CG, Kremsner PG, de Messias-Reason IJ, Velavan TP*. Human complement receptor type 1 (CR1) protein levels and genetic variants in chronic Chagas Disease. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 11;8(1):526. PMID: 29323238 IF: 4.122

    97. Ojurongbe O, Nguetse CN, Fayemiwo SA, Falade CO, Ojurongbe TA, Thomas BN, Meyer CG, Velavan TP*. High prevalence of dihydrofolate reductase gene mutations in Plasmodium falciparum parasites among pregnant women in Nigeria after reported use of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine. Pathog Glob Health. 2018 Jan 10:1-7. PMID: 29318942. IF: 1.703

    98. Mombo-Ngoma G, Remppis J, Sievers M, Zoleko Manego R, Endamne L, Kabwende L, Veletzky L, Nguyen TT, Groger M, Lötsch F, Mischlinger J, Flohr L, Kim J, Cattaneo C, Hutchinson D, Duparc S, Joerg M, Velavan TP, Lell B, Ramharter M, Adegnika AA, Mordmüller B, Kremsner PG. Efficacy and safety of fosmidomycin-piperaquine as non-artemisinin-based combination therapy for uncomplicated falciparum malaria – A single-arm, age-de-escalation proof of concept study in Gabon. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Jun 1;66(12):1823-1830. PMID: 29293893. IF: 9.117.

    99. Amorim LM, van Tong H, Hoan NX, Vargas LB, Ribeiro EMSF, Petzl-Erler ML, Boldt ABW, Toan NL, Song LH, Velavan TP*, Augusto DG. KIR-HLA distribution in a Vietnamese population from Hanoi. Hum Immunol. 2018 Feb;79(2):93-100. PMID: 29191786. IF: 1.994.

    100. Adedoja A, Hoan NX, van Tong H, Adukpo S, Tijani DB, Akanbi AA 2nd, Meyer CG, Ojurongbe O, Velavan TP*. Differential contribution of interleukin-10 promoter variants in malaria and schistosomiasis mono- and co-infections among Nigerian children. Trop Med Int Health. 2018 Jan;23(1):45-52. PMID: 29131459. IF: 2.541.

2017 Publications – 10 IF 37.18

    101. Cieslinski JZ, Goeldner I, Skare TL, Nisihara R, Andrade FA, Velavan TP, Messias-Reason I, Utiyama SRR. Mannose-binding lectin deficiency and miscarriages in rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmunity. 2017 Nov;50(7):409-413. PMID: 28898115. IF:2.629

    102. van Tong H, Velavan TP, Thye T, Meyer CG. Human genetic factors in tuberculosis: an update. Trop Med Int Health. 2017 Sep;22(9):1063-1071. PMID: 28685916. IF:2.850

    103. Faik I, van Tong H, Lell B, Meyer CG, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Pyruvate Kinase and Fcγ Receptor Gene Copy Numbers Associated with Malaria Phenotypes. J Infect Dis. 2017 Jul 15;216(2):276-282. PMID: 28605553. IF:6.273

    104. Nguetse CN, Adegnika AA, Agbenyega T, Ogutu BR, Krishna S, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Molecular markers of anti-malarial drug resistance in Central, West and East African children with severe malaria. Malar J. 2017 May 23;16(1):217. PMID: 28535801. IF:2.715

    105. Lucas Sandri T, Adukpo S, Giang DP, Nguetse CN, Antunes Andrade F, Tong HV, Toan NL, Song LH, Elumalai P, Thangaraj K, Valluri VL, Ntoumi F, Meyer CG, Jose de Messias Reason I, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Geographical distribution of complement receptor type 1 variants and their associated disease risk. PLoS One. 2017 May 17;12(5):e0175973. PMID: 28520715. IF:2.806

    106. Koukouikila-Koussounda F, Jeyaraj S, Nguetse CN, Nkonganyi CN, Kokou KC, Etoka-Beka MK, Ntoumi F, Velavan TP*. Molecular surveillance of Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance in the Republic of Congo: four and nine years after the introduction of artemisinin-based combination therapy. Malar J. 2017 Apr 19;16(1):155. PMID: 28420403. IF:2.715

    107. Nguyen HM, Sy BT, Trung NT, Hoan NX, Wedemeyer H, Velavan TP*, Bock CT. Prevalence and genotype distribution of hepatitis delta virus among chronic hepatitis B carriers in Central Vietnam. PLoS One. 2017 Apr 12;12(4):e0175304. PMID: 28403190. IF:2.806

    108. Hoan NX, Van Tong H, Giang DP, Cuong BK, Toan NL, Wedemeyer H, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Song LH, Velavan TP*. SOCS3 genetic variants and promoter hypermethylation in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 7;8(10):17127-17139. PMID: 28179578. IF:5.168
    109. van Tong H, Brindley PJ, Meyer CG, Velavan TP*. Parasite Infection, Carcinogenesis and Human Malignancy. EBioMedicine. 2017 Feb; 15:12-23. PMID: 27956028. IF:6.183

    110. Tong HV, Luu NK, Son HA, Hoan NV, Hung TT, Velavan TP*, Toan NL. Adiponectin and pro inflammatory cytokines are modulated in Vietnamese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Investig. 2017 May;8(3):295-305. PMID: 27684566. IF:3.039

2016 Publications – 11 IF 65.12

    111. Adukpo S, Gyan BA, Ofori MF, Dodoo D, Velavan TP, Meyer CG. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 (TREM-1) and cytokine gene variants in complicated and uncomplicated malaria. Trop Med Int Health. 2016 Dec;21(12):1592-1601. PMID:27671831. IF:2.519

    112. Hoan NX, Khuyen N, Binh MT, Giang DP, Van Tong H, Hoan PQ, Trung NT, Anh DT, Toan NL, Meyer CG, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*, Song LH. Association of vitamin D deficiency with hepatitis B virus – related liver diseases. BMC Infect Dis. 2016 Sep 23;16(1):507. PMID: 27659316. IF:2.690

    113. Hoan NX, Van Tong H, Giang DP, Toan NL, Meyer CG, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Song LH, Velavan TP*. Interferon-stimulated gene 15 in hepatitis B-related liver diseases. Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 18;7(42):67777-67787. PMID: 27626177. IF:5.008

    114. van Tong H, Hoan NX, Wang B, Wedemeyer H, Bock CT, Velavan TP*. Hepatitis E Virus Mutations: Functional and Clinical Relevance. EBioMedicine. 2016 Sep;11:31-42. PMID: 27528267. IF:6.183

    115. Dupke S, Akinsinde KA, Grunow R, Iwalokun BA, Olukoya DK, Oluwadun A, Velavan TP*, Jacob D. Characterization of Vibrio cholerae Strains Isolated from the Nigerian Cholera Outbreak in 2010. J Clin Microbiol. 2016 Oct;54(10):2618-21. PMID: 27487957. IF:3.631

    116. Nguetse CN, Meyer CG, Adegnika AA, Agbenyega T, Ogutu BR, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and reduced haemoglobin levels in African children with severe malaria. Malar J. 2016 Jul 7;15(1):346. PMID: 27388012. IF:3.079

    117. Trung NT, Hien TT, Huyen TT, Quyen DT, Van Son T, Hoan PQ, Phuong NT, Lien TT, Binh MT, Van Tong H, Meyer CG, Velavan TP*, Song le H. Enrichment of bacterial DNA for the diagnosis of blood stream infections. BMC Infect Dis. 2016 May 31; 16:235. PMID: 27246723. IF:2.690

    118. Opaleye OO, Japhet OM, Adewumi OM, Omoruyi EC, Akanbi OA, Oluremi AS, Wang B, Tong Hv, Velavan TP*, Bock CT. Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis D virus circulating in Southwestern Nigeria. Virol J. 2016 Apr 5; 13:61. PMID: 27044424. IF:2.362

    119. Zumla A, Rao M, Wallis RS, Kaufmann SH, Rustomjee R, Mwaba P, Vilaplana C, Yeboah-Manu D, Chakaya J, Ippolito G, Azhar E, Hoelscher M, Maeurer M; Host-Directed Therapies Network consortium. Host-directed therapies for infectious diseases: current status, recent progress, and future prospects. Lancet Infect Dis. 2016 Apr;16(4):e47-63. PMID: 27036359. IF:21.372

    120. Kremsner PG, Adegnika AA, Hounkpatin AB, Zinsou JF, Taylor TE, Chimalizeni Y, Liomba A, Kombila M, Bouyou-Akotet MK, Mawili Mboumba DP, Agbenyega T, Ansong D, Sylverken J, Ogutu BR, Otieno GA, Wangwe A, Bojang KA, Okomo U, Sanya-Isijola F, Newton CR, Njuguna P, Kazungu M, Kerb R, Geditz M, Schwab M, Velavan TP, Nguetse C, Köhler C, Issifou S, Bolte S, Engleitner T, Mordmüller B, Krishna S. Intramuscular Artesunate for Severe Malaria in African Children: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS Med. 2016 Jan 12;13(1):e1001938. PMID: 26757276. IF:13.585

    121. Mayindou G, Ngokana B, Sidibé A, Moundélé V, Koukouikila-Koussounda F, Christevy Vouvoungui J, Kwedi Nolna S, Velavan TP, Ntoumi F. Molecular epidemiology and surveillance of circulating rotavirus and adenovirus in Congolese children with gastroenteritis. J Med Virol. 2016 Apr;88(4):596-605. PMID: 26378607. IF:1.998

2015 Publications -12 IF 39.33

    122. Hoan NX, Tong HV, Hecht N, Sy BT, Marcinek P, Meyer CG, Song le H, Toan NL, Kurreck J, Kremsner PG, Bock CT, Velavan TP*. Hepatitis E Virus Superinfection and Clinical Progression in Hepatitis B Patients. EBioMedicine. 2015 Nov 11;2(12):2080-6. PMID: 26844288 IF:6.183

    123. Mishra A, Antony JS, Gai P, Sundaravadivel P, Van TH, Jha AN, Singh L, Velavan TP*, Thangaraj K. Mannose-binding Lectin (MBL) as a susceptible host factor influencing Indian Visceral Leishmaniasis. Parasitol Int. 2015 Dec;64(6):591-6. PMID: 26297290. IF:1.859

    124. Oluyinka OO, Tong HV, Bui Tien S, Fagbami AH, Adekanle O, Ojurongbe O, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Nigerian Blood Donors and Hepatitis B Virus Transmission Risks. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 6;10(7):e0131912. PMID: 26148052. IF:3.234

    125. Ojurongbe O, Antony JS, Van Tong H, Meyer CG, Akindele AA, Sina-Agbaje OR, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Low MBL-associated serine protease 2 (MASP-2) levels correlate with urogenital schistosomiasis in Nigerian children. Trop Med IntHealth. 2015 Oct;20(10):1311-9. PMID: 26046446. IF:2.329

    126. Antony JS, Ojurongbe O, Meyer CG, Thangaraj K, Mishra A, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Correlation of Interleukin-6 levels and lectins during Schistosoma haematobium infection. Cytokine. 2015 Dec;76(2):152-155.PMID: 25982844. IF:2.664

    127. Mishra A, Antony JS, Sundaravadivel P, Tong HV, Meyer CG, Jalli RD, Velavan TP*, Thangaraj K. Association of Ficolin-2 Serum Levels and FCN2 Genetic Variants with Indian Visceral Leishmaniasis. PLoS One. 2015 May 12;10(5):e0125940. PMID: 25965808. IF:3.234

    128. Trung NT, Hien TT, Huyen TT, Quyen DT, Binh MT, Hoan PQ, Meyer CG, Velavan TP, Song le H. Simple multiplex PCR assays to detect common pathogens and associated genes encoding for acquired extended spectrum betalactamases (ESBL) or carbapenemases from surgical site specimens in Vietnam. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2015 Apr 12; 14:23. PMID: 25890291.

    129. Ogorodova LM, Fedorova OS, Sripa B, Mordvinov VA, Katokhin AV, Keiser J, Odermatt P, Brindley PJ, Mayboroda OA, Velavan TP, Freidin MB, Sazonov AE, Saltykova IV, Pakharukova MY, Kovshirina YV, Kaloulis K, Krylova OY, Yazdanbakhsh M; TOPIC Consortium. Opisthorchiasis: an overlooked danger. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Apr 2;9(4):e0003563. PMID: 25836334. IF:4.446

    130. Antony JS, Ojurongbe O, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Lectin complement protein Collectin 11 (CL K1) and susceptibility to urinary schistosomiasis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Mar 25;9(3):e0003647. PMID: 25807310. IF:4.446

    131. Tong HV, Song le H, Hoan NX, Cuong BK, Sy BT, Son HA, Quyet D, Binh VQ, Kremsner PG, Bock CT, Velavan TP*, Toan NL. Soluble MICB protein levels and platelet counts during hepatitis B virus infection and response to hepatocellular carcinoma treatment. BMC Infect Dis. 2015 Jan 23; 15:25. PMID: 25626490. IF:2.613

    132. Nguetse CN, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. FOXO3A regulatory polymorphism and susceptibility to severe malaria in Gabonese children. Immunogenetics. 2015 Feb;67(2):67-71. PMID: 25421486. IF:2.227

    133. Sy BT, Nguyen HM, Toan NL, Song LH, Tong HV, Wolboldt C, Binh VQ, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*, Bock CT. Identification of a natural intergenotypic recombinant hepatitis delta virus genotype 1 and 2 in Vietnamese HBsAg-positive patients. J Viral Hepat. 2015 Jan;22(1):55-63. PMID: 24548489. IF:3.909

2014 Publications – 09 IF 32.44

    134. Tong Hv, Bock CT, Velavan TP*. Genetic insights on host and hepatitis B virus in liver diseases. Mutat Res Rev Mutat Res. 2014 Oct-Dec; 762:65-75. PMID: 25475418. IF: 7.326

    135. Mishra A, Jha AN, van Tong H, Singh VK, Gomes CE, Singh L, Velavan TP, Thangaraj K. Analysis of genetic variants in the IL4 promoter and VNTR loci in Indian patients with Visceral Leishmaniasis. Hum Immunol. 2014 Dec;75(12):1177-81. PMID: 25454624. IF:2.282

    136. Port JR, Nguetse C, Adukpo S, Velavan TP*. A reliable and rapid method for molecular detection of malarial parasites using microwave irradiation and loop mediated isothermal amplification. Malar J. 2014 Nov 24; 13:454. PMID: 25421401. IF:3.489

    137. Mekonnen SK, Aseffa A, Berhe N, Teklehaymanot T, Clouse RM, Gebru T, Medhin G, Velavan TP. Return of chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium falciparum parasites and emergence of chloroquine resistant Plasmodium vivax in Ethiopia. Malar J. 2014 Jun 25; 13:244. PMID: 24964730. IF:3.489

    138. Goeldner I, Skare TL, Utiyama SR, Nisihara RM, Tong Hv, Messias-Reason IJ, Velavan TP*. Mannose binding lectin and susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis in Brazilian patients and their relatives. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 21;9(4): e95519. PMID: 24751721. IF:3.534

    139. Evans-Osses I, Mojoli A, Beltrame MH, da Costa DE, DaRocha WD, Velavan TP, de Messias Reason I, Ramirez MI. Differential ability to resist to complement lysis and invade host cells mediated by MBL in R4 and 860 strains of Trypanosoma cruzi. FEBS Lett. 2014 Mar 18;588(6):956-61. PMID: 24560788. IF:3.341.

    140. Mekonnen SK, Aseffa A, Medhin G, Berhe N, Velavan TP*. Re-evaluation of microscopy confirmed Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria by nested PCR detection in southern Ethiopia. Malar J. 2014 Feb 6; 13:48. PMID: 24502664. IF:3.489

    141. Messias-Reason IJ, van Tong H, Velavan TP*. Analysis of polymorphic sites in the promoter of the nitric oxide synthase 2 gene in Brazilian patients with leprosy. Int J Immunogenet. 2014 Jun;41(3):231-5. PMID: 24495190. IF:1.338

    142. Jha AN, Sundaravadivel P, Singh VK, Pati SS, Patra PK, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP, Singh L, Thangaraj K. MBL2 variations and malaria susceptibility in Indian populations. Infect Immun. 2014 Jan;82(1):52-61. PMID: 24126531. IF:4.156

2013 Publications -10 IF 37.12

    143. Sy BT, Ratsch BA, Toan NL, Song le H, Wollboldt C, Bryniok A, Nguyen HM, Luong HV, Velavan TP, Wedemeyer H, Kremsner PG, Bock CT. High prevalence and significance of hepatitis D virus infection among treatment-naïve HBsAg-positive patients in Northern Vietnam. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 18;8(10): e78094. PMID: 24205106. IF:3.73

    144. Luz PR, Velavan TP, Kremsner PG, Messias-Reason IJ. Association of IP-10 and PDGF-BB levels with clinical forms of chronic Chagas disease. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Nov 15;169(4): e53-5. PMID: 24182907. IF:5.509

    145. Marcinek P, Jha AN, Shinde V, Sundaramoorthy A, Rajkumar R, Suryadevara NC, Neela SK, van Tong H, Balachander V, Valluri VL, Thangaraj K, Velavan TP*. LRRK2 and RIPK2 variants in the NOD 2-mediated signaling pathway are associated with susceptibility to Mycobacterium leprae in Indian populations. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 28;8(8): e73103. PMID: 24015287. IF:3.73

    146. Tong HV, Toan NL, Song LH, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Hepatitis B virus-induced hepatocellular carcinoma: functional roles of MICA variants. J Viral Hepat. 2013 Oct;20(10):687- 98. PMID: 24010643. IF:3.082

    147. Toan NL, Sy BT, Song le H, Luong HV, Binh NT, Binh VQ, Kandolf R, Velavan TP*, Kremsner PG, Bock CT. Co-infection of human parvovirus B19 with Plasmodium falciparum contributes to malaria disease severity in Gabonese patients. BMC Infect Dis. 2013 Aug 15; 13:375. PMID: 23945350. IF:3.025

    148. Clark A, Gerlach F, Tong Hv, Hoan NX, Song le H, Toan NL, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. A trivial role of STAT4 variant in chronic hepatitis B induced hepatocellular carcinoma. Infect Genet Evol. 2013 Aug; 18:257-61. PMID: 23748017. IF:2.768

    149. Luz PR, Boldt AB, Grisbach C, Kun JF, Velavan TP*, Messias-Reason IJ. Association of L-ficolin levels and FCN2 genotypes with chronic Chagas disease. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 4;8(4): e60237. PMID: 23593180. IF:3.73

    150. Antony JS, Ojurongbe O, van Tong H, Ouf EA, Engleitner T, Akindele AA, Sina-Agbaje OR, Adeyeba AO, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Mannose-binding lectin and susceptibility to schistosomiasis. J Infect Dis. 2013 Jun 1;207(11):1675-83. PMID: 23448728. IF:5.848.

    151. Shinde V, Marcinek P, Rani DS, Sunder SR, Arun S, Jain S, Nath I, Thangaraj K, Velavan TP*, Valluri VL. Genetic evidence of TAP1 gene variant as a susceptibility factor in Indian leprosy patients. Hum Immunol. 2013 Jun;74(6):803-7. PMID: 23395648. IF:2.298

    152. Koukouikila-Koussounda F, Ntoumi F, Ndounga M, Tong HV, Abena AA, Velavan TP*. Genetic evidence of regulatory gene variants of the STAT6, IL10R and FOXP3 locus as a susceptibility factor in uncomplicated malaria and parasitaemia in Congolese children. Malar J. 2013 Jan 8; 12:9. PMID: 23297791. IF:3.40.

2012 Publications – 07 IF 25.13

    153. Huang X, Kühne V, Kun JF, Soboslay PT, Lell B, Velavan TP*. In-vitro characterization of novel and functional regulatory SNPs in the promoter region of IL2 and IL2R alpha in a Gabonese population. BMC Med Genet. 2012 Dec 7; 13:117. PMID: 23217119. IF:2.33

    154. Jha AN, Singh VK, Kumari N, Singh A, Antony J, van Tong H, Singh S, Pati SS, Patra PK, Singh R, Toan NL, Song le H, Assaf A, Messias-Reason IJ, Velavan TP, Singh L, Thangaraj K. IL-4 haplotype -590T, -34T and intron-3 VNTR R2 is associated with reduced malaria risk among ancestral indian tribal populations. PLoS One. 2012;7(10): e48136. PMID: 23110190. IF:4.10

    155. Ouf EA, Ojurongbe O, Akindele AA, Sina-Agbaje OR, Van Tong H, Adeyeba AO, Kremsner PG, Kun JF, Velavan T*. Ficolin-2 levels and FCN2 genetic polymorphisms as a susceptibility factor in schistosomiasis. J Infect Dis. 2012 Aug 15;206(4):562-70. PMID: 22693230. IF:6.41

    156. Ojurongbe O, Ouf EA, Van Tong H, Toan NL, Song le H, Luz PR, Messias-Reason IJ, Nurjadi D, Zanger P, Kun JF, Kremsner PG, Velavan TP*. Reliable and rapid characterization of functional FCN2 gene variants reveals diverse geographical patterns. BMC Med Genet. 2012 May 17; 13:37. PMID: 22594803. IF:2.33

    157. Assaf A, Hoang TV, Faik I, Aebischer T, Kremsner PG, Kun JF, Velavan TP*. Genetic evidence of functional ficolin-2 haplotype as susceptibility factor in cutaneous leishmaniasis. PLoS One. 2012;7(3): e34113. PMID: 22457818. IF:4.10

    158. Tong HV, Toan NL, Song le H, Kremsner PG, Kun JF, Velavan TP*. Association of CISH -292A/T genetic variant with hepatitis B virus infection. Immunogenetics. 2012 Apr;64(4):261-5. PMID: 22033525. IF:2.93

    159. Velavan TP*, Büyükyazici B, Kremsner PG, Kun JF. Combined promoter haplotypes of the IL10R genes are associated with protection against severe malaria in Gabonese children. Immunogenetics. 2012 Feb;64(2):87-95. PMID: 21814839. IF:2.93

2011 Publications – 06 IF 16.91

    160. Hoang TV, Toan NL, Song le H, Ouf EA, Bock CT, Kremsner PG, Kun JF, Velavan TP*. Ficolin-2 levels and FCN2 haplotypes influence hepatitis B infection outcome in Vietnamese patients. PLoS One. 2011;6(11): e28113. PMID: 22140517. IF:4.41
    161. Velavan TP*, Ojurongbe O. Regulatory T cells and parasites. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2011; 2011:520940. Review. PMID: 22262943. IF:1.230

    162. Nuber S, Petrasch-Parwez E, Arias-Carrión O, Koch L, Kohl Z, Schneider J, Calaminus C, Dermietzel R, Samarina A, Boy J, Nguyen HP, Teismann P, Velavan TP, Kahle PJ, von Hörsten S, Fendt M, Krüger R, Riess O. Olfactory neuron-specific expression of A30P α-synuclein exacerbates dopamine deficiency and hyperactivity in a novel conditional model of early Parkinson’s disease stages. Neurobiol Dis. 2011 Nov;44(2):192-204. PMID: 21767644. IF:5.121

    163. Hanel SA, Velavan TP*, Kremsner PG, Kun JF. Novel and functional regulatory SNPs in the promoter region of FOXP3 gene in a Gabonese population. Immunogenetics. 2011 Jul;63(7):409- 15. PMID: 21472440. IF:2.942

    164. Velavan TP*, Bechlars S, Huang X, Kremsner PG, Kun JF. Novel regulatory SNPs in the promoter region of the TNFRSF18 gene in a Gabonese population. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2011 May;44(5):418- 20. PMID: 21445534. IF:1.15

    165. Velavan TP*, Bechlars S, Tomiuk J, Kremsner PG, Kun JF. Molecular characterization of regulatory polymorphisms in the promoter region of the STAT6 gene in a Gabonese population. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2011 Feb;106(1):65-9. PMID: 21340358. IF:2.058.

2010- 2004 Publications -11 IF 22.64

    166. Velavan TP*, Schulenburg H, Michiels NK. Detection of multiple infections by Monocystis strains in single earthworm host using ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequence variation. Parasitology. 2010 Jan;137(1):45-51. PMID: 19691863. IF:2.522

    167. Velavan TP*, Boldt AB, Tomiuk J, Seibold F, Schoepfer AM, Flogerzi B, Müller S, Abad-Grau Mdel M, Kremsner PG, Kun JF. Variant alleles of the mannose binding lectin 2 gene (MBL2) confer heterozygote advantage within Crohn’s families. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2010 Sep;45(9):1129-30. PMID: 20443743. IF:1.996

    168. Ouf EA, Bechlars S, Böttger E, Büyükyazici B, Faik I, de Carvalho EG, Meese S, Oktyabri A, Ol Opaleye O, Velavan TP, Kun JF. Interplay of host and infectious agents. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2010 Mar;122 Suppl 1:13-5. PMID: 20376717. IF:0.747

    169. *Velavan TP, Weller S, Schulenburg H, Michiels NK. High genetic diversity and heterogeneous parasite load in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris on a German meadow. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41 (8) -1591-1595. IF:2.978

    170. Novo M, Velavan TP*, Almodóvar A, Schulenburg H, Díaz-Cosín DJ, Michiels NK. Microsatellite markers for the drought-resistant earthworm Hormogaster elisae. Mol Ecol Resour. 2008 Jul;8(4):901-3. PMID: 21585924. IF:1.605

    171. Aggarwal RK, Lalremruata A, Velavan TP, Sowjanya P, Singh L. Development and characterization of ten novel microsatellite markers from olive ridley sea turtle Conservation Genetics (9) 981-984. IF:2.408

    172. Velavan TP*, Schulenburg H, Michiels NK. Development and characterization of novel microsatellite markers for the common earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris L) Molecular Ecology Notes. 7 (6): 1060-1062. IF:1.257.

    173. Field SG, Lange M, Schulenburg H, Velavan TP, Michiels NK Genetic diversity and parasite defense in a fragmented urban metapopulation of Lumbricus terrestris. Animal Conservation 10 (2) 162–175. IF: 2.495.

    174. Gururaja KV, Aravind NA, Ali S, Ramachandra TV, Velavan TP, Krishnakumar V, Aggarwal RK. A new frog species from the central Western Ghats of India, and its phylogenetic position. Zoolog Sci. 2007 May; 24(5):525-34. PMID: 17867853. IF:1.125.

    175. Thangaraj K, Sridhar V, Kivisild T, Reddy AG, Chaubey G, Singh VK, Kaur S, Agarawal P, Rai A, Gupta J, Mallick CB, Kumar N, Velavan TP, Suganthan R, Udaykumar D, Kumar R, Mishra R, Khan A, Annapurna C, Singh L. Different population histories of the Mundari- and Mon-Khmer-speaking Austro-Asiatic tribes inferred from the mtDNA 9-bp deletion/insertion polymorphism in Indian populations. Hum Genet. 2005 May;116(6):507-17. PMID: 15772853. IF:4.331.

    176. Aggarwal RK, Velavan TP, UdayKumar D, Hendre PS, Sanker K, Singh L. Development and characterization of novel microsatellite markers from the olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). Molecular Ecology Notes. 4 (1): 77-79. IF:1.175.